Wednesday 23 September 2015


Always remember the importance of the external environment in Feng Shui.  The area around a property accounts for something like 70% of the quality of energy (Qi) that enters and influences the internal.

One of the many systems of traditional Feng Shui is Eight Mansions and is one of the more straightforward to understand.  There are eight types of house in Eight Mansions and each one is named after the Sitting direction of a property.   Each sector around the Luo Shu Grid : North, South, West, East, Northwest, Northeast, Southeast and Southwest also represents a member of the family.  For example a LI house faces North and sits South.  LI relates to the middle daughter in a family; a QIAN house faces Southeast and sits Northwest.  QIAN relates to the head of the household, the father.

So what is the Facing and what is the Sitting direction of your property?  Easy huh?  The front is Facing and the back is Sitting - right?  Well, in theory - yes!  However many people wrongly assume that the direction the main door faces automatically represents the Facing direction.  In the past this may have pretty much always been the case however modern homes and housing developments tend to be a little more imaginative in their designs.  Main doors are located at the front, side, hidden in the corner next to the garage and so on...

So when determining the Facing direction of your property what do you look for?

You are seeking the direction of the most Yang energy; the direction of the best view from your window; the direction of a road or a river passing by your property.

What is the view you naturally gravitate towards?  You are probably going to find that is the right Facing direction for your home. 

Facing is Yang, it is generally the place where the most activity is identified.  Sitting is Yin, it is the place of quiet and signifies protection for your property.

It is important to choose carefully because the Facing determines the Sitting direction and it is this Sitting direction that identifies the good and bad sectors of your property based on the Eight Mansions system of Feng Shui.  From this information it makes it easier to choose the location for the best areas of key rooms such as the kitchen, bedroom and home office (if appropriate).

To the fulfillment of your dreams


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Tuesday 23 June 2015



Clockwise around the compass the four secondary points are Northeast, Southeast, Southwest and Northwest.

Unlike the primary compass points of North, East, South and West the secondary sectors are hugely influenced by the element of earth. 

The Northeast and Southwest belong to the earth element and they are 'joined' by the centre which is also Earth element.  The Southeast belongs to the wood element and the Northwest is a metal element area.

The secondary sectors also contain a mix of elements, they do not have the pure Qi of the primary sectors.  As well as being an earth sector the Northeast also has water and metal influence; the wood sector of the Southeast also has some fire influence; the earth sector of the Southwest has fire and metal influence and the metal sector of the Northwest is also influenced by water.  How is this possible?  Welcome the Chinese Astrological Animals...they exert their influence wherever they appear.

First the earth element animals.  These are the Ox (Chou) in NE1; Dragon (Chen) in SE1; Goat (Wei) in SW1 and the Dog (Xu) in NW1.  These four are called the storage or graveyard animals and they each 'store' one of the remaining four elements.  Ox stores metal; Dragon stores water; Goat stores wood and the Dog stores fire.  

Ok so that doesn't explain the metal influence in the Northeast and Southwest - where is metal mined? From the earth.  Continuing on...the Northeast is influenced by water because the Ox (Chou) is an animal of winter, known as winter earth, the transition period between winter and spring.  It signifies the final month of the winter season - the season of water dominance.  Southeast is influenced by fire because the Snake (Si) resides in SE3 and is the first of the animals of the summer months - hence fire.  The Southwest is influenced by fire because of the Goat (Wei).  Whilst it is referred to as 'summer earth' it is the third and final month of the summer season, hence the influence of fire.  The Northwest is influenced by water because the Pig (Hai) resides in NW3 and is related to the first month of the winter season when water is the dominating factor. 

Oh boy, so much to take in.  Let's leave the elements for now and have a look at the numbers of the secondary directions.  

Northeast has the number 8 White Star at its heart, the Southeast has the number 4 Green Star in residence, the Southwest has the number 2 Black Star at its heart and the Northwest has the number 6 White Star as its inherent influence.  These even numbers are yin.

The family members associated with these secondary direction are youngest son in the Northeast represented by the mountain and a time of waiting and preparation.  The eldest daughter of the family has a home in the Southeast and is represented by wind and movement.  In the Southwest the mother or eldest female of the family reigns supreme and she signifies stability and nurturing aspects of the earth.  The father or eldest male of the family is king in the Northwest represented by Heaven and leadership.

To the fulfillment of your dreams


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Wednesday 3 June 2015



Clockwise around the compass the four cardinal points are North, East, South and West.

The Five Elements of Feng Shui are said to be 'all that is'.  These elements are Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water.

The cardinal points of North (N2), South (S2), West (W2) and East (E2) contain only pure elemental Qi.  Water in the North, Wood in the East, Fire in the South and Metal in the West. 

Are they all created the same?  The answer to that would be 'no'!

North contains water, South contains fire, West contains metal and East contains wood.  Notice anything significant?  These opposites also happen to represent the controlling cycle of the Five Elements, hence the water of the North controls the fire of the South and the metal of the West controls the wood of the East.  Oh that it were so simple!  Welcome Yin and Yang.

Yang water cannot control yang fire because yang fire is the sun, the source of our existence.  However, yin water, the water of mist, fog, clouds and so on can exert some control over the sun in as much as it can hide it from our view.

Yang metal, the hard and hewn metal turned into machinery and axes for example can certainly wield force and control over yang wood (wood of tall majestic trees of the forest) yet would find it hard to do anything more than bend and flatten yin wood.  This is the wood of grasses and ivy, wood that is more than capable of taking over anything it comes into contact with given time. 

The four cardinal compass points also represent what is termed Peach Blossom (Tao Hua) Stars.  Each person has a specific Peach Blossom Star depending on their birth date.  Peach Blossom refers to how attractive, likeable, popular and approachable a person appears and is not the be all and end all when it comes to looking for love.     

The Chinese Astrological Animals of the Peach Blossom Stars are the Rat (North), Rabbit (East), Horse (South) and Rooster (West).

The numbers associated with the cardinal directions are 1 in the North, 3 in the East, 9 in the South and 7 in the West, all odd numbers hence all yang.

In terms of the seasons North represents the dark days of winter, East belongs to the awakening season of spring.  South opposes the North and brings us to the light, bright days at the height of summer and West moves us gradually through the year into the cooler and changing days of autumn.

This is only a small part of the significance of the cardinal compass points.  Consider times of the day, member of the family, health, colour, shapes and much more.  These are also part of the rich tapestry of the compass points when working with Feng Shui...and we have yet to look at the remaining sectors or the element of earth.

To the fulfillment of your dreams


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Wednesday 13 May 2015



What effect do the Annual and Monthly Flying Stars (numbers) have on each other when they meet in a Palace of the Luo Shu Grid?

Flying Stars Feng Shui sees these stars 'fly' between Palaces in 20-year,  Annual and Monthly cycles.  This flight even goes down to Day and Hour cycles however these are generally only used for very specific requirements. 

The flight follows a set sequence as such:

Centre->North West->West->North East>South->North->South West->East->South East->Centre.

Remember South (9) is at the top centre and North (1) is at the bottom centre.

Each of these stars represent one of the Five Elements and how they interact will influence the Element of the sector which is identified by superimposing the Luo Shu Grid over a plan of your property. 

Star 1 represents Water, Stars 2, 5 and 8 represent Earth, Stars 3 and 4 represent Wood, Stars 6 and 7 represent Metal.

Supposing Annual Star 1 moves into the East and the Monthly Star 2 pays a visit, what are the effects?

The East is a Wood location and when the Annual Water Star 1 enters it 'feeds' the Wood.  If Earth Star 2 enters as a Monthly Star we have some work to do.  Wood controls Earth in the Controlling Cycle of the Five Elements and Earth controls Water.  It is this combination we need to focus on.  An Earth and Water combination of Stars can produce muddy water which may influence the health of the residents of an East Palace.  However the time of year will have a bearing on how much of an issue this may be. 

If this combination occurs during the Winter season Water and Wood are strong and Earth is hard therefore unable to exert its influence.

If this combination occurs during the Spring season Water becomes weak, Wood is strong and Earth is hard.  It is rather like a stalemate, one element will have difficulty influencing another.

If this combination occurs during the Summer season its all change.  Water cannot feed the Wood as it is trapped in Summer, Wood is weak and Earth will reign supreme.  This is one time when Water and Earth could combine causing potential illness for those in the East of a property.

If this combination occurs during the Autumn season Water again becomes strong and Earth becomes weak so illness could still result .  Wood will be ineffective against Earth.

It is always a combination of the innate Element of an area combined with the elements of the Annual and Monthly Stars that are considered before making any conclusions.

To the fulfilment of your dreams


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