Monday 30 June 2014


The two youngest members Gen (son) and Dui (daughter) are the final trigrams of the family represented by the Ba Gua.
In the Early Heaven Ba Gua Gen is in the Northwest and Dui is in the Southeast.  In the Later Heaven Ba Gua Gen is in the Northeast and Dui is in the West. 
In the Early Heaven Arrangement Gen in the Northwest is the Mountain sitting directly opposite Dui, the Marsh or Lake located in the Southeast; static state of perfection.
The Later Heaven Arrangement moves Gen to the Northeast and Dui to the West.  Gen is the element of Earth and it is the trigram of the Mountain; it signifies the transition of the seasons from Winter to Spring.  Winter Earth is cold and hard with little growth; it is waiting.  Dui is the element of Metal and it is the trigram representing a lake or marsh.  This is the Autumn season when the earth is cooling in preparation for its season of rest and rejuvenation. 
GEN ()
Gen is the youngest son of the family.  The Gua of Gen is two broken Yin lines below a solid Yang line.  It represents the stillness and stability of the Mountain.  It also signifies hidden strength and a hidden storehouse;  think the metal element that is hidden deep within the mountain waiting to be discovered.  It also signifies a period of waiting and can indicate someone with a stubborn streak to their nature.
The Gua number of the Northeast is 8 and its colour is brown or ochre.
Within the body this trigram represents the backbone, nose and sinuses, fingers and toes.  A missing Northeast corner in the home will negatively affect the youngest son.  A negative external feature in the Northeast can also have a detrimental effect on the wellbeing of Gen during certain years.
DUI ()
Dui is the youngest daughter.  This Gua is made up of two Yang lines supporting a broken Yin line at the top.  It represents joy and celebration.
The Gua number of the West is Metal 7 and its colour is white or silver. This is the fine Metal of coins and jewellery; that valued for its beauty and desirability.
In the body Dui Gua represents the mouth, throat and voice.  A missing West corner or a harmful external feature will negatively affect the youngest daughter of the family. 
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Thursday 19 June 2014


The middle son and the middle daughter of the family.
Kan and Li are unique among the trigrams.  They are the only two who are opposite on another in both the Early Heaven and the Later Heaven Arrangements.
In the Early Heaven Ba Gua Kan is in the West and Li is in the East.  In the Later Heaven Ba Gua Kan is in the North and Li is in the South. 
These elements are the easiest to explain in their interaction.  In the Early Heaven Arrangement, the sequences create a situation of the status quo.  There is no movement and everything is in a state of perfection.  There is no life and no death.  Fire in the West and Water in the East represent balance.  They neither help or hinder one another.
In the Later Heaven Arrangement Fire is in the South.  It represents the height of the Summer season; a time when the sun is highest in the sky; the ultimate Yang.  In Summer Fire Qi is powerful and Water Qi is ineffective, Water being unable to control the power of the Sun.  Water in contrast is in the North.  In the Later Heaven Ba Gua it represents the height of the Winter season; a time when the sun is at its lowest in the sky; the ultimate Yin.  In Winter Water Qi is strong and Fire Qi is weak.
KAN ()
Kan is the middle son of the family.  The Gua (trigram) of Kan is represented by a lower broken line (Yin) followed by a solid Yang line and an upper broken line.  The Yin below and above is still and unmoving yet the Yang in the middle is moving.  Representing Water this trigram has hidden depths.  Kan Gua suggests struggle and danger.  Having the Yang line in the centre and being unable to break free signifies difficulty; in this case thoughts, feelings, emotions are all affected.  These are the things that cannot be seen, they are not obvious. 
The Gua number of the North is 1 and its colour is blue or black.
Within the body this trigram represents blood and the kidneys.  A missing North corner or a harmful external feature will negatively affect the middle son of the family. 
LI ()
Li is the trigram of the middle daughter.  This Gua is made up of two Yang lines at the bottom and top with a broken Yin line in the centre.  This is the trigram of Fire; obvious on the outside and hollow inside.  Li Gua is showy and likes to be seen; to be the centre of attraction.  Li Gua represents 'what you see is what you get' it is all on the outside.  Appearance is all important to this trigram. The saying 'wearing your heart on your sleeve' means you let your feelings show. 
The Gua number of the South is 9 and its colour is red or orange.
In the body Li Gua represents the heart and the eyes.  A missing South corner or a harmful external feature will negatively affect the middle daughter of the family.  A protrusion or obvious Yang feature in the South can be as harmful as a missing sector.

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Thursday 5 June 2014


Moving on to Zhen and Xun; the eldest son and eldest daughter of the family.
Zhen signifies the eldest son who is known as the Dragon of the family.  Its Gua (trigram) is represented by a solid (Yang) line at the bottom and two broken (Yin) lines above.  Zhen is thunder bursting forth, it is rumbling below the surface of the Earth that eventually explodes above, rather like the solid Yang line bursting through the two Yin lines above.  It is the season of Spring and its element is Yang Wood.  This is the sturdy wood of trees growing straight and tall and reluctant to bend in the wind.
In the Early Heaven Arrangement Zhen Gua is placed in the Northeast.
When it was moved in the Later Heaven Arrangement it took its place in the East.  The direction of the rising sun;  the location of the Dragon.  The East represents morning and the beginning of a new season.
The Gua number of the East is 3 and the colour is jade or dark green. 
The voice, hair, foot and liver are all related to Zhen Gua.  Some or all of these may affect the eldest son of the home negatively if there is a missing corner in the East of the home.  In certain years and months the Flying Stars may also have a detrimental effect on the health and wellbeing of the eldest son.  A negative external feature in the East can also determine the health and fortune of the Zhen Gua.
XUN ()
Xun is the eldest daughter.  The Xun Gua is a single broken Yin line at the bottom with two Yang lines above.  Xun is the wind, growth and Yin Wood.  This is the softer and more pliant wood of grass and leaves; they lack the rigidity of Yang Wood but can survive by going with the flow.  Stand on grass and it will bounce back.  Yin Wood has a way of surviving that in some ways is more efficient than that of its Yang counterpart.
In the Early Heaven Arrangement Xun Gua is located in the Southwest directly opposite Zhen Gua.  Wind and Thunder react together to balance each other out.
The Later Heaven Arrangement has Xun Gua in the Southeast; the location of late spring and early summer.  Xun is mid morning, the time between the morning sun and the heat of the midday sun.  As in the Goldilocks story, not too cold and not too hot; just right.
The Gua number of Xun is 4; representing learning and education and its colour is green.  This is the brighter, more vibrant green of new growth.
Health in Xun Gua is related to wind (Feng), the upper arms and the thighs.  These will negatively affect the eldest daughter of the home if there is either a missing corner in the Southeast or an external negative structure.  The location of Flying Stars in different years and months will also have an influence both good and bad when they fly into the area.
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