Tuesday 27 March 2012

The Protective Turtle and FENG SHUI

In the practice of landscape Feng Shui the black turtle is one of the four celestial animals.  The turtle signifies support and protection and its compass direction is the north.

In the current year of the Water Dragon (2012) which ran from 23 January 2012 the three celestial creatures, the green dragon of the east, the white tiger of the west and the red phoenix of the south are all present in the Flying Star chart for the period.

The one animal missing is the black turtle of the north and so inviting the image of this protective creature into your home or garden at the back will provide the missing link for the year.   Ideally the back of your home is also the direction of north.

Keeping a single live tortoise or turtle is also auspicious.  They are loners so it isn’t necessary to have more than one.  Your tortoise or turtle should be kept in the north for maximum benefit.  Failing this it is best kept at the back of your home.

It is said that it was a tortoise who left the Lo river in China thousands of years ago with numbers in the form of dots in each section on its back which came to signify the Pa Kua (the eight-sided symbol synonymous with Feng Shui practice.) This inspired the original Lo Shu Grid because the dots in each of the nine squares on its back added up to 15 in any direction.  The significance of the number 15 is that it takes 15 days for the moon to wax and 15 days to wane, to follow a full lunar cycle.

Although the turtle is known for its slow and steady movement this doesn’t have negative associations.  The opposite is true in that as it encompasses all that is good when it comes to determination and persistence.  The turtle will never give up.  It keeps going whatever the consequences and as a result will come out on top in the long run.  As in the story of the Hare and the Tortoise ‘slow and steady wins the race.’

The turtle is also identified with longevity as they have often been known to live for well over one hundred years.

One of the most auspicious images in Feng Shui is the dragon tortoise.  This image has the head of a dragon and the body of a tortoise.  It signifies protection and luck for the whole family.  This is a powerful combination.  The dragon displays power and protection and the turtle provides security, support and stability as well as inviting positive energetic vibrations to benefit all members of the family.

It is said that the turtle is comparable to the illustrious dragon in the practice of Feng Shui hence the dragon tortoise and with its longevity, protection and persistence who could argue that this elusive creature, either on its own or combined with the majestic dragon, can provide support and invite wealth and longevity to the whole family.

Next time – U-Universal

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Sunday 18 March 2012

FENG SHUI and the Southwest

The Southwest of your home is the universal area relating to the female, to the mother of the home and to Love and Relationships.

Regardless of your Kua number and whether you are an East or a West Group person, if you are the matriarch of the home this area is important.  If you are single and looking for love this area can be enhanced to positively invite love into your life.

If you are a West group person this area will naturally be one of your auspicious locations.  If you are an East group person it will be one of your inauspicious locations however as the mother of the home you can still enhance it to your positive benefit.

It is important that this area is not missing or houses inauspicious elements such as the kitchen or the bathroom.  One solution to this issue is to enhance the Southwest of the living area and/or, in the case of seeking love, the master bedroom. 

Enhancing the Southwest of your home as a whole is enhancing the ‘Big Tai Chi’ and enhancing individual rooms is the ‘Small Tai Chi.’ The small tai chi can be enhanced when you have a missing corner, when you have a ‘poison arrow’ pointing directly towards the area you want to enhance or when there is a kitchen, toilet or storeroom in the way.  None of these areas should be enhanced in any way as it will cause more negative than positive results.

The Southwest is an Earth element area and benefits from the presence of crystals, pebbles and light.  Having a window in the Southwest with a faceted crystal displayed is a wonderful way of inviting positive Yang Chi Energy into the space. 

Fire creates Earth in the Five Elements and it is for this reason that light in the form of lamps, candles and the natural sunlight is so important.  The ultimate element to display in this corner is a crystal chandelier which incorporates the best of Fire (light) and Earth (crystals.)  The chandelier can be traditional or modern, large or small the important thing is to ensure it is the right size for the space.  Too large and it will ‘burn’ any good fortune created, too small and it will be ineffective.

Decorating the area in the fire colours of red, orange or bright yellow is also auspicious.  One thing to remember is to enhance any area in keeping with your likes, if you are displaying something you do not have an affinity with it will be fruitless because it is not who you are.

A fundamental requirement in Feng Shui is to keep all areas clean, bright and clutter-free.  If you are enhancing an area for a specific result this becomes even more important.  It allows positive, fresh Chi to permeate the area bringing with it positive results.

Next time – T-Turtles

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Sunday 11 March 2012

FENG SHUI and Rooms

The rooms and their placement in the overall layout of your home will play a large part in determining the quality of the Chi Energy created.

In the practice of Feng Shui the following are preferred locations for your main rooms: 

  • Your living room is considered the social area in your home and is best located near the front

This is your entertainment area and is the place where family and friends gather to socialise, making its location the public area of your home.  It is one of the areas that will benefit from lots of Yang energy to make it a lively, vibrant and welcoming room. 

Remember that balance is all important so some elements of Yin are required to avoid making it an unsettling place to spend time.  The occupants will create their own Yang energy which will contribute to the overall feel of the room.

  • Your dining room is known as the heart of the home and benefits from being in or near the centre

The dining room is a family area and if it is in or near the centre of your home and is used often it has the effect of keeping the family united – as the saying goes “the family who eats together, stays together.”

If it is not possible to house your dining room in the centre it is better to have it towards the back of the home.  To the Chinese an abundance of food is wealth so keeping the table away from the front of the house will ensure the wealth is kept in the home.

Lifestyles today tend to prevent families from eating together on a regular basis however for the well-being of the family as a whole it is important to eat together at least once a week to maintain a happy and healthy family life.

  • Your kitchen is best towards the back of your home

It also benefits the parents if it is located in one of their inauspicious locations based on their Kua number.  This is particularly important for the breadwinner of the family to ensure their good fortune is not lost.

Having the source of the energy from the cooker or stove coming from an auspicious direction for the breadwinner will invite positive Chi.

  • Your master bedroom is best if it is not above the kitchen, the garage or a bathroom
Above the kitchen (and more particularly over a cooker or oven) this has the effect of ‘burning’ any good fortune; above a garage,  particularly one that is either rarely used or houses boxes and junk rather than the family car/s, signifies a lack of support for a sleeping couple;  above a bathroom sends negative energies to the bedroom.

It is also important to have more Yin than Yang in the bedroom to ensure you can rest.  Working, exercising or watching television in the bedroom before sleep creates too much Yang energy and as a result makes it difficult to rest and refresh the body, mind and spirit ready for another day.

Next time – S-Southwest

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Saturday 3 March 2012

Quartz Crystals and FENG SHUI

In the practice of Feng Shui the element of Earth plays an important role throughout all seasons of the year.

Every third month in spring, summer, autumn and winter is said to be an Earth month.  Therefore the use of quartz crystals plays an important role in enhancing, producing and exhausting points of the compass and the other elements of Water, Wood, Fire and Metal when the Flying Stars conspire to cause negative energy.

In the Earth element areas of the Northeast, Centre and Southwest displaying crystals will create positive, auspicious Chi Energy. 

In the Northeast, clear crystal quartz points are an excellent enhancer for anyone undertaking study and learning.  A clear crystal globe, preferably one that can be spun daily, will also enhance learning.

In the centre displaying six round crystal spheres is an auspicious way of maintaining peace and harmony in the family.  The number six signifies heaven.   Earth enhances Metal (6) so the crystal is the enhancer which benefits from Heaven energy at the same time.  Displaying a rose quartz crystal apple also signifies peace.

The Southwest is the area of the female of the home, the mother and it is also the universal location for Love and Relationships.  This is an important area to get right because without the strength of the maternal influence the family will lack the solid earth energy required to stay together.

Any crystal in this area is beneficial.  An amethyst crystal cluster in the Southwest will keep the air and life force of the home clean and positive.  Amethyst stones placed in an area that receives sun for a lot of the day will help promote healing in the home however they will lose their colour if kept in the sunshine all the time.  Amethysts bathed in moonlight will calm and relax.  The amethyst will also help alleviate the effects of electro-magnetic fields caused by electrical equipment such as televisions.   

Rose quartz is known as the ‘Love stone’ and having it displayed in the Southwest will invite love and harmony into your home.  If you are enhancing this area to attract love into your life, displaying a pair of rose quartz mandarin ducks (or swans, or love birds) will benefit you.

Quartz crystals absorb negative as well as positive energies in the atmosphere so it is important that they are looked after.  When there has been illness or disagreements in the family it is auspicious to cleanse your crystals to rid them of the negative vibrations and restore them to their auspicious best.  They also absorb the energies of anyone who handles them so it is better if they are looked after by the person who can benefit most from their presence.  This can be particularly important for a student who has a clear crystal quartz point which they display on their study desk and carry with them to tests and examinations.

Other areas that benefit from the quartz crystal are the West and the Northwest, both Metal areas.  Metal is enhanced by Earth so quartz crystals in the Metal areas will strengthen the Metal element.  The Northwest is the area relating to the male, the father of the home so just like the Southwest crystals here will strengthen the energy of the father and the luck of heaven.

Next time – R-Rooms

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