Tuesday 29 January 2013


“Use awareness to make changes”

Are you and your home in harmony? 

Personal Eight Mansions is well-known in Feng Shui.  Your date of birth identifies your Kua number which in turn identifies your four good and four bad locations.  This gives you a head start when it comes to knowing which direction to sit or sleep.  Or which direction to face when you are working/playing/studying.

However this is only half of the picture.

To look at the bigger picture, knowing the Eight Mansions or the Natal Chart of your home, which takes into consideration the distribution of energy throughout the building will determine whether you and your home are meant for one another.  The Eight Mansions of your home is based on its facing and sitting direction. The facing direction of your home is the direction of maximum yang energy.  This is often, but not exclusively, the place where the main door is located and it is important to determine the facing direction before beginning.  The sitting direction is exactly opposite and benefits from more yin than yang energy.  The yang of movement, of positive chi, is best entering your home from the front and the yin of stillness, is best at the back of your home providing quiet, stability and support.

Ideally your front door will be located in the sheng chi (overall good fortune) location of your home.  Depending on the stage you are at in your life, your bedroom will be best located in your tien yi (health) or your nien yen (relationships) location.

Your kitchen, the third most important sector of your home, is different.  While it is a vital part of the overall picture in ensuring the health and wellbeing of your family, it is best located in one of your four bad locations.  In effect, it is best being in a location where it can press down and suppress the bad chi of a location.  The kitchen itself however, and in particular the stove, can be designed to bring good luck to the family.  The stove (the knobs) are most auspicious when facing the best direction of the breadwinner of the house.

So how do you deal with a less than auspicious layout?  Where do you sit?  Which direction do you face?

Location is more important than direction.  If you can sit, or work, or sleep, in one of your four good locations you then also have the option to face one of your four good directions thereby increasing the auspicious chi you are exposed to.  If you have to sit, work or sleep in one of your four bad locations you then only have the option to face one of your good directions within that location.  

It is never going to be possible to have the perfect configuration (unless you are building your own home and you have more control over the finished product) so the answer is to benefit as much as possible from what you can do and then get on with your life.  Being aware of Eight Mansions for the home, and knowing your good and bad directions based on your Kua number will definitely give you an advantage if you are house-hunting.  Taking along a standard western compass to determine the facing and sitting directions of a property, will definitely help you in your house search.  It will also allow you to find out whether the location of the master bedroom and the kitchen will benefit or restrict you.

To the fulfillment of your dreams


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Wednesday 23 January 2013


As well as the Eight Aspirations each of the four primary and four secondary corners of the Lo-Shu grid relate to members of the family.      

Last time we highlighted the importance of the Northwest and Southwest and their effect on the male and the female (the mother and father) of the home.  Now we will complete the family picture and discover who will be impacted by missing corners in the remaining six locations.

East                        The East is the location of the eldest son, the Dragon of the family.  This is the best place to locate the bedroom for your first son to thrive.  When missing it will make it difficult for him to grow; an important point in this big wood area of the Pa Kua.  As well as the eldest son this could easily refer to a young protégé in the business world and when the area is missing in the home it will seriously affect his path up the corporate ladder.

Southeast           This is the location of the eldest daughter of the family.  She represents the wind which brings positive energy into the area, helping her thrive.  Her positive growth will be seriously depleted if this corner is missing.  In a business environment she will struggle to be heard if she lacks the support of the southeast at home.

South                    Your middle daughter will benefit from a bedroom located in this area.  The south is the fire area relating to fame, recognition and a place in the limelight.  Your middle daughter will not be overlooked at home or at work when she spends time in this location.  When it is missing she will be seen but not heard and her natural exuberance will be suppressed.

West                     The West is the corner of the youngest daughter.  Nestled safely between the locations of the mother (Southwest) and father (Northwest) she represents the lake and when this corner is not missing she is well cared for and nurtured.  A missing corner in the West however will not only affect the wellbeing of the youngest daughter it will also impact family harmony.

North                    Your middle son will be adversely affected when the North corner is missing.  This is the area of water and is connected to career and a constant flow of money.  All working members of the family will feel the negative impact if the area is missing.

Northeast           The Northeast relates to the youngest son.  Having a bedroom in this area will help him thrive at school and beyond.  The area of personal growth is important to ensure there is no lack of focus when studying and learning.  This small earth area signifying the mountain will provide solid support when it is present; however when it is missing direction and focus is uncertain.   

Depending on the size of your family missing corners may not have any negative effect; if you only have one son then the East is the important area and the North/Northeast will not have a significant impact.  They will however impact the aspiration associated with those areas.  Missing corners in the Big Tai Chi of your home will always have a negative effect on some aspect of life.  The Small Tai Chi will then take on greater importance.  Determine the aspiration, or aspirations, you seek to achieve and then locate your main door or your living area in that corner of your home.  Your front door will activate positive energy each time it is used and spending lots of time in the living area will activate positive energy and attract positive experiences.  Your personal impact will also play a large part in achieving success, whether it be in finding the job of your dreams, your ideal partner (work or personal) or gaining recognition and receiving acknowledgement for your endeavours.
To the fulfillment of your dreams


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Wednesday 16 January 2013

Feng Shui and Missing Corners-Parents

The Eight Aspirations of Feng Shui are Career (north), Education and Study (northeast), Health and Longevity (east), Wealth (southeast), Fame and Recognition (south), Love and Relationships (southwest), Family (west) and Heaven and Mentor (northwest.)

When a location (corner) relating to an aspiration important to you is missing in the Big Tai Chi of your property the first thing to establish is whether this same location is missing in the Small Tai Chi of your living space.  When the locations are missing in both the Big and the Small Tai Chi it will prove difficult for you to achieve your desires.

Two of the most important locations in the Tai Chi is the Northwest (Heaven and Mentor) and the Southwest (Love and Relationships.)  These are the areas of the heads of the home or in a working environment the areas relating to management, either male (Northwest) or female (Southwest.)

Northwest and Southwest
In the Eight Aspirations the Southwest is the location of relationships in their many forms.  As well as intimate partnerships, it signifies the family bond, friendships with people you care about, your work colleagues, business associates and casual acquaintances.  If the Southwest of your home is missing it makes it difficult for you to activate the very important life skill of harmonious inter-personal associations.  It will make it particularly difficult for females as the Southwest is also the location of the female.  This is usually interpreted as the mother of the house however it just as likely signifies a female in a position of power and authority in the business world.  If you have a missing Southwest in the Big Tai Chi of the home it is important to locate the Southwest of the Small Tai Chi in your living area.  Even if this is not an auspicious location based on your Kua number, in the Eight Aspirations it is significant.

The Northwest is the location of Heaven and Mentor luck; it is also the location of the male.  If there is a missing corner here it will impact significantly on the success of the man of the house.  Achievement may remain just out of reach.  In the corporate world you will lack the support of your superiors and when promotions are there for the taking you will likely be overlooked.  Without the support of a mentor; which can be someone in the family, your bosses or - if you run your own business - like minded individuals who are happy to give you a helping hand, then success will remain elusive.  Again even if this is not an auspicious location based on your Kua number, if you are male and aspire to greatness, it is an area to pay attention to.  If you are an East group person the Northwest will be one of your inauspicious locations.  This means you should not be spending time in the area if you can avoid it.  The most important thing is to ensure it is not a missing corner either in the Big Tai Chi of the home or the Small Tai Chi of the living room.  

The Southwest also relates to Earth; the Northwest to Heaven.  Together they signify male and female; the ultimate Yang and Yin energies; both vital to creating harmony in the home and in a working situation. 

Regardless of your Kua number and your auspicious and inauspicious locations, they are two areas that, when present, can bring harmony and good fortune.  When they are missing, these positive energies may well remain elusive and just out of reach.

To the fulfillment of your dreams


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