Tuesday 24 January 2012

Can You Make MONEY with Feng Shui?

Whenever most of us think of wealth we immediately think of having lots of that five letter word – MONEY – the image we immediately visualise when we thing about wealth.

Wouldn’t we all love to have a money tree?

Ok so it’s a dream, however, if money is your desire how do you visualise getting it?  Is it through your work or career, or do you imagine winning the lottery or receiving an unexpected windfall?

Using the practice of Feng Shui you can enhance your home to improve your career luck and you can enhance your home to improve your money luck.

In Feng Shui money is symbolised by water and having water features in your career and wealth areas is auspicious.  It is very important to remember that the water must flow inwards inviting money in rather than having it flow out.

One of the Eight Aspirations of Feng Shui refers to career luck and its universal location is in the North.  The North is also the Water location so having a water feature here will enhance your career luck.  If you have the space a six-tier water feature will utilize the power of heaven (6-Northwest-Metal enhances Water) to help further your career success and by extension the amount of money you will receive through that career.

One thing to remember is that the size of the water feature should match the size of your space; too big and it will overwhelm, or drown, your chances of more money; too small and it will be ineffective.  In the practice of Feng Shui balance is all important.

The Southeast is the universal location for long-term wealth rather than short term gains.  Water feeds the Wood of this location so again having a water feature in the Southeast is also an auspicious enhancer.  When enhancing this area for money, using dark blue as a decorative colour either in a picture or as curtains, cushions or a rug is the most auspicious to encourage long-term financial benefits.

Water features can be table-top decorative ones or fish tanks with small lively fish. The important thing is to ensure the water is Yang and moving rather than Yin and still.  Yang is movement and positive energy and it is important to create lots of Yang energy in the home, Yin is stillness and negative energy and is used to suppress negative vibrations.

When you know your personal Kua number based on your year of birth (see www.abundance-chi.com to calculate your Kua number) you will also have four directions that, when tapped and enhanced, will improve your life.  The most auspicious direction (known as Sheng Chi) can be enhanced for money luck.    How you enhance it will depend on its direction.

As an example the money plant (or jade plant) a succulent plant with rounded leaves can be placed in the East, the Southeast, both Wood areas, and also in the South (Wood feeds Fire in the Five Elements of Feng Shui.)

Next time – N-Numbers

We hope enjoy our blogs and leave any comments below or email: crystal@abundance-chi.com visit: www.abundance-chi-com LynC

Monday 9 January 2012

Feng Shui and LOVE

Do you Love yourself the same as you would like someone else to Love you?  How you feel about you has a huge impact on how someone else will feel about you. 

Are you looking for Love?  

Are you seeking a close, intimate and loving relationship with your ‘special someone?’ 

Are you looking for more Love from family and friends?

Love covers a multitude of meanings such as the unconditional Love a parent has for their child; the unconditional Love a pet has for its owner; the passionate Love of an intimate relationship.

In the practice of Feng Shui Love and Relationships is one of the Eight Aspirations and the universal location you can enhance to invite Love into your life is the Southwest. 

In the Five Elements the Southwest is an Earth area.  Earth elements such as crystals are ideal for this area as well as the enhancing element of Fire.  Fire creates Earth in the Five Elements and will enhance and increase the power of any crystals.  The combination of crystals and fire in a chandelier is particularly potent.  Red candles are also auspicious.

Rose Quartz is known as the ‘Love stone’ and displaying mandarin ducks or swans (both stay devoted to one partner for life), hearts, apples (represent peace and harmony) or round quartz balls (harmonious relationships) in this stone are all beneficial.

When you enhance for a one-on-one relationship anything displayed should be in pairs.    

When you enhance for a more active social life then groups or multiple items are recommended.

Birds, particularly lovebirds suggest romance and seeing pairs of any birds indicate love.  Images of pairs of birds in the Southwest are auspicious.

If you are activating for a busier social life then enhance the Southwest with images of butterflies.  They signify new beginnings.  Beware of using them when activating for couples as they mean Love but Love that is fleeting and light-hearted rather than long lasting.

As well as enhancing the Southwest for Love you can also use your personalised Love direction based on your Kua number.

Visit www.abundance-chi.com to find out how to calculate your Kua number and from that you can use the table below to discover the direction you can enhance for Love.

Kua Number
Love Direction
Love Direction Element
5 (male)
5 (female)

There is also what is known as Peach Blossom Luck.  This is based on your animal sign at birth and by activating your ‘Peach Blossom’ Animal in the right way you can help attract Love into your life. 

Each of the 12 astrological animal signs has a ‘Peach Blossom’ animal they can use to enhance for attracting Love into their life.  The Peach Blossom animals are located in each of the four primary compass points of North, East, South and West and you can place the auspicious image of your Peach Blossom animal in its compass direction in either your living area or your bedroom.

To discover more about any of this copy and paste any of the links below or visit our website.

Next time – M-Money

We hope enjoy our blogs and leave any comments below or email: crystal@abundance-chi.com visit: www.abundance-chi-com LynC