Saturday 31 December 2011

Feng Shui your KITCHEN

Having already delved into the Dining Room in this series, it makes sense to move onto to the placement and layout of your kitchen.

Whether you have a kitchen/diner or a separate kitchen and dining area the kitchen is best treated as an area in its own right.

It benefits from being deep within the house rather than at the front and it should be light, bright and airy during the day and have sufficient lighting to make it safe to use at night.

It is best kept clean and uncluttered with no small appliances or gadgets on display and certainly no knives out on display. 

If you know your Kua number* and are aware of your good and bad directions based on this number, then having the kitchen in an area of your home that represents a bad area for you has the positive effect of controlling the bad energy.

One exception to this is the Northwest.  If the kitchen is in this area it is known in Feng Shui as ‘Fire at Heaven’s Gate’ and can have the effect of bringing bad luck to the male head of the family.  If they are also the breadwinner it can cause loss of job, status and money which affects the luck of the whole family.   Fire destroys Metal in the Five Elements.

Another inauspicious place to have the kitchen is in the centre of the home.  This is called the heart of the home and is better if it houses the dining or family room.

The kitchen is not an area to enhance; it is a work area and should be treated as such.  Mirrors are not auspicious and this is particularly relevant if they reflect the cooker or stove.  This has the effect of doubling the Fire energy of the stove and increases the chance of a real fire erupting.

The kitchen is a place where Fire and Water co-exist and it is important that when designing the layout they are kept apart without being opposite one another.

If the stove or cooker faces the main door, a toilet door or a bedroom door it symbolises food flowing out of the house.  In Feng Shui food is considered one of the most important indications of abundance.  The stove should not be directly below a toilet on the upper floor.  It can also have inauspicious consequences for anyone sleeping directly above the kitchen stove.  If the stove shares a wall with a toilet on the other side this is also an extremely inauspicious configuration.

The Five Element Theory can be used in this room to positive effect when deciding on colour schemes however it is important to remember the elements already in the room and if for example you have a kitchen in the South, a Fire location, decorating in red will create an excess of Fire Energy.  In this situation exhausting the Fire element with Earth colours will create a more auspicious balance.

As you can see, there are a lot of taboos associated with this very important room and while it is not easy to change the location of your kitchen there are things that can be done to balance out the energies and create an auspicious room within your home. 

*Discover your Kua number at

Next time – L-Love

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