Sunday 21 October 2012

Feng Shui and the Lo-Shu Grid 1-3

The nine numbers of the original Lo-Shu Grid from the north following a clockwise cycle are 1, 8, 3, 4, 9, 2, 7 and 6.  The numbers opposite one another around the grid always add up to 10 and with the number 5 residing in the centre any row up, down or diagonally will add up to 15.

Each of these numbers and their associated direction has an element, colour, shape, family member, aspiration as well as more intangible aspects such as body parts or musical notes.  We will look at the fundamental parts of each number and how they affect us all.

All odd numbers represent yang energies and all even numbers represent yin energies even when the area itself may be the opposite. 

Number One (1) – This is the number of the north. It is one of the auspicious white stars of Feng Shui and is synonymous with career luck. One represents new beginnings, creativity, independence and self.  The north represents water; the colours blue and black; its shape is wavy. The middle son (Kan) has his home in the north and it signifies dark, winter, an excess of yin energy.  Water and the number 1 are both yang.  If the north represents the back of your home avoid placing a water feature here, especially a pond, pool, waterfall or swimming pool.  Water at the back can suggest lack of support in your endeavours. 

Number Two (2) – This is the number of the southwest.  It is a yin number which represents the yin energy of big earth and its shape is the even-sided square which represents a solid base; loving and nurturing energy.  Two represents a couple, balance, yin and yang; it signifies co-dependence, partnerships and co-operation; it invites choice. It is a number representing interaction with others, and unity.  Its colours are earth colours such as ochre.  The southwest is a vital area to care for as it represents the female, the mother, caring and nurturing, love and relationships in its many and varied forms.  Love and relationships between a couple, between family members and between friends.  This is predominantly a yin area (Kun) the receptive, the yielding.  

Number Three (3) – Three is the big wood area of the east and it signifies communication.  The number three is a yang number that signifies the trinity; in this instance father, mother and child and also time represented by past, present and future.  It also represents Heaven, Earth and Man which are the basis for Feng Shui practice.  It indicates pleasure achieved through creativity. The shape of the east is rectangular. 

This location represents the eldest son of the family (Chen) and signifies new life and upward growth.  Its colours are the darker olive or emerald greens.  Sons are known as the Dragons of the family and east is the location of the mighty Green Dragon.  If you choose symbolism an image of this celestial creature is auspicious here together with large round leaved lush plants. The east also represents health and longevity.  Growing bamboo, which is one of the many symbols of longevity, in the east of your garden is auspicious, however take care of the variety you choose as they grow fast and can take over if not controlled.  Other symbols of longevity are the pine tree, peach and the long-legged Crane.  These are often represented together in oriental paintings. This is the place to house your larger pieces of wooden furniture. 

To the fulfillment of your dreams


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