Tuesday 14 May 2013

Feng Shui Celestial Creatures

Green Dragon in the Landscape

Unlike its western counterpart, which was a fire-breathing mythical creature to be feared and hunted to extinction, the celestial Green Dragon known in Feng Shui possesses insight; symbolises wisdom and offers protection.

In Landscape Feng Shui (San He Formula) the Yang Green Dragon is traditionally a mountain or higher ground located to the left of your front door looking out.  The mountain (Yin Earth) is more auspicious if it is ‘green and pleasant land,*’ a rolling landscape simulating a curled resting Dragon.  Where there is a Dragon mountain there will also be Dragon veins.  This welcomes positive flowing Chi.  The quality of this Chi is often referred to as the ‘Dragon’s Cosmic Breath’ or ‘Sheng Chi.’

*From a William Blake poem, now better known as the anthem ‘Jerusalem.’

Where a Yin Earth mountain is rough, barren, exposed with craggy outcrops it indicates aggressive inauspicious negative Chi, known as Sha Chi. 

Until the end of period 9 in 2043 the Earth areas of the northeast and southwest, the Metal areas of the west and northwest and the Fire area of the south are auspicious locations for your Dragon protection to be present.  To identify its exact location, use a compass to determine a) which direction the Green Dragon is situated and b) the direction of your front door. 

If you are house-hunting, this is the ideal time to incorporate this aspect of Landscape Feng Shui into your search.

As many of us now live in an urban environment it means we accepting that the Green Dragon as a physical mountain is unlikely to be present in our surroundings.  Instead in the modern world the practice of Feng Shui; this ancient-modern living skill, identifies the mountains as higher buildings or tall trees, both of which will serve as protection when located to the left of your home.  Just like the mountains, the shape and materials of the buildings will determine the quality of Chi.  For example, a tall building with sharp edges pointed towards you will send Sha Chi; a tall building with rounded features or with coloured glass windows will send Sheng Chi your way.

Green Dragon in the Home

The home of the Yang Green Dragon is the East.  It is the location of the eldest son of the family; known as the Dragon of the family and the trigram CHEN, which is made up of two broken Yin lines (female) sitting above a single solid Yang line (male and eldest son.)  It is associated with action, like the Dragon rising from the lower depths to soar high into the sky above. 

The East represents thunder, like the roar of the mighty Dragon.  It is the direction of the rising sun welcoming each new day; the location of springtime bringing a new season of growth and expansion.  It is also the location of health and longevity.  Displaying an image of a Dragon in the East will benefit not only the eldest son but all members of the family.  A Green Dragon or a Dragon carved from Wood will be equally auspicious.  As Water feeds Wood displaying a water feature with a Dragon will activate positive Chi.

To the fulfillment of your dreams
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