Monday 4 November 2013

Feng Shui-Yin and Yang-Metal

In Feng Shui Flying Stars formula, the numbers (or stars) around the Lo-Shu Grid 'fly' from sector to sector over varying time periods.  Each of the nine numbers in the Grid also represent one of the Five Elements with either a Yin or a Yang polarity.  These elements influence each other in a productive, exhaustive or a controlling cycles.

So how does Metal, with its Yin and Yang polarities, fit into the picture of Feng Shui?

Unlike the elements of Water, Wood, Fire and Earth, Metal has no life of its own.  Earth nurtures and protects Metal hence 'Earth produces Metal' is part of the productive cycle of the Five Elements. 

Metal is a hard and unyielding element and its Qi is sharp and inwardly piercing.  This piercing energy is what makes Metal the controlling element of Wood.  Wood Qi is an expanding and growing energy that can be destroyed when it is negatively affected by the Metal element.  This is not the physical element of Wood or Metal, it is a type of Qi.  When Metal Qi 'flies' into a Wood sector - the East or the Southeast - it can inflict its negative forces on the energy of these areas.

To control Metal Qi Fire energy is necessary.  No Metal can change its natural form until it has been super-heated to a liquid state, at which time it becomes malleable and able to be transformed into its many recognisable forms.

What do you think of when you visualise Yang Metal?  Yang Metal is the iron and steel that is sculpted into anything from hand-held tools to machinery, bridges, aircraft, cars and the internal structure of buildings.  All the things that makes much of our modern world function.  This is the Yang side of Metal.

For those born in a Yang Metal year it indicates an upright, forthright individual who is able to withstand difficulty and suffering.  Someone who will not crumble at the first sign of stress.  Their weakness is a lack of flexibility; they can be rigid and unbending just like Yang Metal. 

In contrast, Yin Metal such as silver, gold and platinum is a rarer, valuable and valued commodity which is fashioned into solid bars, coins and fine jewellery.  As well as being used as a means of exchange for goods and services, it is also a symbol of prosperity and desire.  Alone, or combined with the gemstones of the Earth element, fine jewellery is a luxury widely sought by people the world over.  Going back thousands of years and still in our modern era, jewellery is regarded a symbol of wealth, status and power; remember the jewellery associated with Tutankhamun; the Crown Jewels of the United Kingdom monarchy.

Those born in a Yin Metal year tend to have a showy nature and they love to be the centre of attraction.  They like to be seen and will react badly if they think they are being ignored.  A Yin Metal person may appear superficial and attention seeking however they are also sentimental and value their friends.  What you see is what you get with Yin Metal people, there is little hidden depth to their nature.

To the fulfillment of your dreams


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