Saturday 21 March 2015



Moving from Winter into Spring, from one Chinese year to the next you may be thinking of creating a new look and feel to your home or office.  Painting, decorating or even changing some furniture can bring a new lease of life to your space.  It is part of the natural awakening after the Yin season of Winter into the Yang season of Spring.

Before making any changes it is worth taking a walk outside around your neighbourhood. 

What are your neighbours doing?  Are there new home extensions, external work or even new properties being built in your area and what direction (using your property as the Tai Chi*) is this work being done?

*In this case the Tai Chi is the centre point of your search, it is the base from which to determine directions).

In Classical Feng Shui everything starts from the outside in so if there are changes in your external environment it may be affecting your property without you being aware of it.  Any impact could be positive or negative depending on the location and direction involved.

Armed with the directions of the 5 Yellow, 3 Killings, Grand Duke Jupiter and the Year Breaker of the current year you can see if any of these are being inadvertently activated and if they are, what the likely effect on your property might be.  Remember proximity though; if the work is not in direct line of sight to your building and it is located some distance away, the effect with be minimal at worst.

The closer the works the more impact it is likely to have.

Once you have established what is going on elsewhere you can then move on to your property.  Which rooms do you want to decorate?  Where are they located on your floor plan?  Using your floor plan as a starting point and knowing the locations of the annual afflictions you can easily cross out those areas that are best left undisturbed for the year.  Focus on those areas you can make changes and leave the rest for another time.

If you have essential work that must be carried out Date Selection is an important factor.  An auspicious date to begin chosen specifically for you can help avoid the pitfalls that may appear if the work goes ahead without any forethought.

To the fulfillment of your dreams


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