Thursday 5 April 2012

Universal FENG SHUI Tips

To effectively practice Feng Shui there is one universal skill it is essential to master.

This is a skill that transcends many of the different formulas of Feng Shui and it even has a major impact on Chinese Life Forecasting (Chinese Astrology.)

It is the Five Elements Theory and it works on the principle that all things in the universe belong to one of the five elements of water, wood, fire, earth and metal.  The interaction between these elements works in three cycles:  the productive cycle, the exhaustive cycle and the destructive cycle.

In the practice of Feng Shui prevention is always better than cure so by using the correct cycle in the Five Elements you can first block any external obstructions.  This will then allow you to effectively utilise the correct cycle/s inside your home to create balance and harmony.

There are many different Feng Shui formulas all of which focus on a different aspect of this fascinating and exciting living skill.

When starting out you may want to focus on one of the universal formulas, in effect a step-by-step guide.

The Eight Aspirations Formula identifies eight types of luck which, when captured and enhanced creates all the things required to make your life full of health, wealth and happiness.

The eight sectors are placed as follows:

Your first step is to decide on the sector/s important to you.  Not everyone has the same desires so when you know what you would like to attract you can enhance the relevant location to begin the attraction process.

Each of the above compass directions has a type of luck associated with it and to invite this luck into your life there are certain basic universal principles that can be used.

The first principle is to identify which one of the Five Elements belongs in the area along with its colour (see table.)  If you do nothing other than decorate the area in the appropriate colour you will begin the attraction process. 

Next is to use the ‘element’ of the area to further improve your luck.   The list above is a starting point and the more you practice this skill the more attuned you will become to what is needed.   

Next time – V-Vases

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