Friday 20 April 2012

Wealth and FENG SHUI

In the last blog on Vases we covered wealth in its widest sense however we will concentrate on wealth in the financial sense this time round.
The first thing to do when enhancing your home for wealth is to be aware of the different directions in your home using a standard compass.
In the Eight Aspirations Formula of Feng Shui the universal long term accumulated wealth direction is the Southeast, the area of Small Wood.  The universal direction for wealth acquired from your career, which is interpreted as an ongoing supply of money rather than an accumulation, is the North, the area of Water.
Both of these areas can be enhanced to invite wealth into your home.
The North benefits best from a constant flow of Water, such as a Water feature representing a waterfall.  It is important to ensure that any water flowing is coming into the home and not out.  Whether your water feature is an indoor one or an outdoor one the flow of water should be directed towards the home.  This is to ensure the money flows in and not out.
The Southeast benefits best from a body of Water.  Whether this is an outdoor pond or an indoor aquarium it represents accumulated wealth and as such should always be kept clean and well maintained.  If you have an indoor aquarium having at least eight gold fish and one black fish is auspicious.  Their movement keeps the water moving helping to avoid stagnation. Whether your water feature is indoors or outdoors if you have stagnant water (water that is not moving) it is representative of the wealth in your life, stagnant.
In the Eight Mansions Formula, a personalised formula of Feng Shui based on your date of birth you have a Kua number.  When this number is correctly identified it gives you four auspicious and four inauspicious directions around the compass.  Your overall auspicious direction is your Sheng Chi (overall good fortune, which includes wealth.)  Once you know the locations based on your personal Kua number you can enhance your Sheng Chi to invite wealth.  This may not be with water it will depend on the location of your most auspicious direction. 
To maximise your auspicious and suppress your inauspicious directions it is necessary to know the Five Element Theory and its three cycles, the productive, the exhaustive and the destructive, to effectively capture positive Chi Energy and invite wealth into your life.
Below is a brief précis of enhancers for each of the four primary and four secondary points around the compass.
North – water as discussed above – metal coins – metallic wealth toad* with a coin in his mouth
Northeast/Southwest – crystal wealth ships** – faux diamonds – semi-precious gem tree – wish-fulfilling jewel
East/Southeast – water – jade or money plant – wooden wealth ship
South – jade or money plant – wooden wealth ship
West/Northwest – crystal or metal wealth ships – any crystals or semi-precious stones – metal coins – wealth toad
*Wealth toad should have his coin Yang side up.  You can display as many wealth toads as you wish in multiples of 3.  3, 6 and 9 are the most auspicious.  The toad likes to remain inconspicuous so is best placed low down under tables, chairs, anywhere where he is not too prominent.  Face at least one of the toads outward to invite money in; the rest can be facing inward.  You can have them appearing to come from the universal wealth direction of the southeast and each of your auspicious directions based on your personal Kua number.
**Wealth ships should be auspicious.  Displaying a war ship or a ship with cannons is inauspicious.  A trading ship such as the Cutty Sark which brought wealth with it is auspicious.
Next time – X-Xceptions

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